Friday, September 7, 2012

Tree-Hugger Redux, Day One, Mile 340... Cold on the Left Coast!

"I could only get bar shrimp today. Bummer. I watched oceans eleven and had a craving that could only be cured by shrimp on this trip."  - A quote from my riding buddy, Mike Hollingsworth, posting my views during one of our stops. Yes it's true. I've had a craving for shrimp cocktails for the past three weeks since seeing Brad Pitt munching chilled prawns in Oceans Eleven.

We departed Vancouver, WA this morning to a warm 64 degrees, with a forcasted 89 degrees as the day progressed. Very true. We bombed down I-5 as the temperature climbed and cut towards the coast in Corvalis, OR at 80 degrees. We made a stop on the Alsea Hwy. in the Siuslaw National Forest to shed more riding gear to accommodate the hot temps. Big mistake. As we continued westward toward the coast, the temperature dropped 30 degrees. When we actually joined Hwy. 101 southward toward the Redwoods, the forcasted highs for throughout the weekend was 57 degrees. At 65 miles per hour, this is rather chilly.

We hotel'd for the night in Gold Beach with a perpetual fog-mist dropping. Typical beach weather... We have to dress for drastically changing temps tomorrow dropping down into the Redwoods. I forgot about the huge temperature swings in this region. Maybe that's why I keep coming back.

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